- What standards govern the services of Tetran Translation Company?
When designing work processes and developing internal requirements, we’ve followed ISO 9001:2008 "Quality management systems. Requirements" and ISO 17100:2015 "Translation services - Service requirements".
- What are units of measurement in the translation business?
A word or a page are usual units of translation measurement.
1 page = 1800 characters with spaces of the Russian text
1 page = 250 words of the English text
1 page = 250 words of the French text
1 page = 220 words of the German text
- What is Translation Memory (TM)?
TM is a database containing bilingual segmented pairs consisting of an original text and its translation. Such a pair is called a translation unit. Also the database contains information on creation date, author, date of change, usage, etc.
Each newly created TM is empty. The more translations are made, the more translation units are stored in the TM.
- Does Tetran provide layout and pre-print services for the translated materials?
Yes, we can handle actually any graphic format
- Can Tetran arrange notary certification of the translation?
Yes, it takes one working day
- What additional services do you offer?
Audio and video transcription with the subsequent translation
Courier delivery